Lira and Timmy were excited about their first day of school. Lira woke up early and got dressed and brushed her teeth before I even knew she was up! She woke Timmy up for me but he didn't approach the day with the same happiness and excitement as Lira. He was Captain Cranky Pants. (He's not a morning person!) Once he was dressed and ready to go, both of them were getting antsy to go to the bus stop. They both loved having lunch boxes and snacks. We were at the bus stop early and unfortunately, it was raining. Lira repeated over and over, "Mommy, where's the bus!?!" Timmy was pleasantly distracted by the puddles. Once the bus came, they ran over with excitement. I took some pictures and they were off! I did get a little bit teary-eyed, I admit. I thought of them all day while I was at work.
The end of the school day: The kids got off the school bus and had big smiles on their faces. They gave me hugs and when I asked them if they had a good day, they both said YES! They both said they liked going to school. (Later when the neighbors asked them, they said they didn't like it, which I thought was funny!) They were so excited to show me their Tuesday Folders. Timmy told me a story that the teacher read to him in class and talked about his day. Lira told me about a couple of her classmates and some things they did in school. I gave them big hugs and told them I missed them so much and love them, too. Lira's reply (which she's said before, I love it!) was, "Mommy, I love you very hard!"
All in all, a great day for them!