So many great little things have happened since the last time I've had a chance to update this blog. I'm not sure where to start! Let's see... this might be a long one! I'll start with school.
Back to School night was at the end of September and we had a chance to talk briefly with both Lira and Timmy's teachers. It just so happened that Timmy didn't earn his smiley face for good behavior that day because he apparently hit someone. What timing- the same day that we'd meet with his teacher! His teacher had nice things to say about him and when we asked about the hitting incident, she didn't seem to concerned. Apparently it was a typical kindergarten argument with grabbing involved and then the hit- she doesn't know who hit first. No one was hurt, though, so it must not have been that bad! ;) I asked her about Timmy's behavior overall. She said that in the beginning of the year, Timmy was kissing everyone in his class! Then he moved on to getting very close to other people and trying to play or get their attention which would ultimately lead to touching them. She is working on "keep your hands to yourself" with Tim. Otherwise, he's just fine and his behaviors really aren't any different from that of the other kids. He is a bit immature for his age (shocker!) but the teacher said that this class as a whole is a bit "younger." Other than that, Timmy loves to participate in class and always wants to try whatever they are working on- he never backs down to a challenge. Their words, "He's so enthusiastic!" Woohoo! His coloring and letter/ sound knowledge has improved dramatically. (Is it school or just the fact he got glasses?) We have all noticed Timmy's language coming along nicely, though I want to persue (or is it pursue?) the possibility of getting him in Speech Therapy. (Since that night, I've followed up with the speech therapist at the school... details later!)
Lira's teacher had wonderful things to say about her. She's very motherly towards students who are having a hard time with tasks. (Which we've been told before and have observed!) Her language continues to come along beautifully. However, this doesn't mean she doesn't have a long road ahead of her to catch up to where other 6 year olds are. As of that night, she still hadn't received ESOL services that I had been told she would receive. The day prior to Back to School Night I had sent an email to all of the ESOL staff on the website (since I didn't know who to direct the email to) and received a response the next day. Lira's teacher said she really appreciated whatever I said in the email because that very next day the ESOL teacher was in to schedule Lira twice per week. Lira is also enthusiastic about school. I work with her at home on reading, letters, sounds, numbers, etc., and even after a full day of school she still likes to spend time with me doing these things.
Outside of school, we enrolled Timmy in Karate and Lira in Gymnastics. They both love it and I think it's a great outlet for them, as well as confidence boosters.
And I saved the big news (hence the title) for last: Lira's two front teeth came out!! Two in two days. The tooth fairy visited her and Lira insists she saw her, her wand and wings, and said she was beautiful. (Thanks, hahahaha!) :)
I'm sure I'm forgetting something, so once I remember I will post it. I'll try to get a picture of Lira with her new "toothless" smile!