"Don't worry, mom! You're not old! You're... new!" This was T's comment when we were talking about age since I'll be turning another year older next week. Another classic was today while we were in the cell phone store. T & L were asking the salesman why he was the only one there and where was his boss? I jokingly said, '...probably out playing golf!' to which the guy laughed and said I was right. T pondered this and said, "Wait a minute... you have to stay here and work and your BOSS is out playing GOLF? THAT'S NOT FAIR!" We all got a good chuckle at his comment and how serious he was when he said it.
Well, there's not much exciting to tell you all about.

It's the lazy days of summer now. We go swimming a lot and each day I try to find new things to do with the kids and I'm running out of ideas. L watches High School Musical on TiVO and has been counting down until tonight for High School Musical 2. (Sad to say that even I can sing with the song, "Wildcats, in the house..." and, "...the start of something n-ew!" (First the mini-van, now this..!)
Watch out, Luke Skywalker, L is in love with TROY!
PS- We're still looking for a new home for our cats... anyone interested?