Saturday, December 15, 2007
Bad Words
Bad Words
The other day I was cooking dinner (a miracle!). After cutting my thumb with a sharp knife Iyelled a loud expletive that rhymes with truck. I felt bad that Lira might have heard me so I asked her after dinner if she did and she said ‘no’.
Being curious, I asked Lira if she actually knew any bad words. Lira got really shy but said, "yes" and I said ‘ it’s ok, you’re not in trouble, I just want to know what you’ve learned at school.’
Lira said ‘I didn’t get them from school daddy, I learned them from you.’
So, blushing, I asked Lira what she knew. She said, "crap, darmid" (Lira’s way to say ‘darnit”) and then she paused and thought for a minute and said, “Well the third word I got from mommy ...because I've heard her calling you a jerk.”
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving

Friday, November 09, 2007
Trick or Treat! And who might YOU be...?!
L & T: Trick or Treat!
Woman: How cute! And who might YOU be?
T: (Instead of saying, "a storm trooper" he says): My name is T!
L & T: Trick or Treat!
Woman: You guys can each have 3! (as she holds a big bowl of candy.)
Mommy and Daddy: Wow, guys, what do you say?
L & T: Oh yeah! (we were hopping for a "thank you")
And after they came from a different house with some candy, Lira shouts at the man, "Thank you!" and then walks 10 feet and says less than quietly, "Their house is a mess!"
(And to those who have emailed recently with interest in Ferris, thank you! He's adjusting great and the kids are loving it!)
Sunday, October 28, 2007
The latest addition to our family

Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Electrongic Database for Orphans in Ukraine
Electronic Database for Orphans Launched 08.10.2007 20:03
translated by Anna Ivanchenko
In Lviv region a unified electronic database on orphans, children deprived of parental care and children from crisis families was created. The all-Ukrainian database should facilitate the adoption procedure, reports Deutsche Welle. Almost five thousand children have already been entered in the electronic register; they are residents of Lviv and Lviv region. Half of them require care and adoption. The database consists of pictures with full information on children, says the head of regional children's issues service Volodymyr Lys. According to him, it will greatly facilitate and accelerate the adoption procedure which may last up to one year. It is really paramount, we'll count the children and remove double registrations," assures Mr. Lys. The access to informational bank is strictly limited and controlled by Security Service of Ukraine. Mr. Lys says that there also exists a database of Ukrainian families in line for adopting a child. There are about 50 such families in Lviv region.
Source: Ukrayinska Pravda
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Well the comment I made at the end of the last post refered to one evening at dinner... Lira was doing her overt acting out of loving mommy SOOOOOooooo much- where no matter what Ken said, Mommy can do NO wrong. So Ken said to the kids, "What about Daddy? I'm the one who brings home the bacon!?" To which the kids replied, "Who cares!? We don't even like bacon."
And while there are SO many things I could say in response to the comments made by ALL 3 of them, I'll leave it at that.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Back to School
I've been sick for the past few days with strep and it's been the pits! L has been very caring and has done a number of chores above and beyond just because I'm sick. T has been good, don't get me wrong! I had a cute story to write about tonight, but of course, thanks to all this medicine and sleepiness, I'm a zombie right now.
And reason #1343 that I'm NOT going to be mother-of-the-year? I let the kids watch Harry Potter (the 1st one.) I don't remember it being scary and T's been really interested in it lately. Well, bad move, we only watched about an hour of it and T can't stop thinking about the "bad wizard". I'm not going to have him finish the movie but I think the next few weeks before bed are going to be damage control; convincing T that the "bad wizard" doesn't exist so there's no need to worry that he's going to come to our door.
And if I don't post again soon, email me or comment to remind me to post about the "bringing home the bacon" comment. It was so funny- but heck if I can remember it right now! I have to ask Ken...
Friday, August 17, 2007
Don't worry mom, you're not old!
Well, there's not much exciting to tell you all about.
Watch out, Luke Skywalker, L is in love with TROY!
PS- We're still looking for a new home for our cats... anyone interested?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Summer HW, my boyfriend, and my big butt
L is in love with Luke Skywalker since watching the Star Wars movies and T keeps trying to shoot electricity out of his fingertips like the Emperor. Oh... and I have a boyfriend. :) L said that since her boyfriend is Luke Skywalker, I need to have a boyfriend, too. (Daddy doesn't count, she said!) So while it was a toss-up between Han Solo and Captain Jack Sparrow, I went with the pirate.
Oh, and my DEAR SWEET SON has quite the sense of humor. Ken and I were talking with our friends Mel and Nick about programming cell phones with ring tones for different people who call. Ken said, "Hmmm... I wonder what song I should program for when Jeanine calls!?" and Timmy, without missing a beat says, "Mommy's Got a Big Ol' Butt!"
Friday, June 22, 2007
Finding a new home for our cats...
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Just another day
The school year is coming to an end. It's so hard to believe that the kids have grown as much as they have! I finally came to terms with my two loving children being 5 and 6 years old, then they had to go and turn 6 and 7! Now they are finishing up school and as of September, we'll have a 1st and 2nd grader!?!?! Say it ain't so! But we are very proud of them and are amazed at how far they have come. Lira tested out of the reading recovery program and is on grade level in reading. Timmy's phonics has come a looooong way. Timmy will receive ESOL services next year and I'm just waiting to hear from the school about Lira. She should definitely get services, but I don't know if I'll have to "push" for them or not. We'll see how that goes.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Before and After

April 30th marked our 1 year anniversary of being home in AMERICA as a family! We celebrated by going out to dinner and enjoyed great stories about our visits with the kids in the orphanage. The kids loved hearing stories about the silly things that they would do during the visits and we enjoyed hearing their perspective of the entire situation one year ago. I'm sending this out to our loved ones who supported us during our journey to, in, and home from Ukraine. What a road it has been. Over the past year, we've celebrated LOTS of "firsts" with the children. Now we look forward to making and celebrating our own traditions. Thank you for your support and love. We couldn't have done it without our family and friends. Again, it's amazing how far we've all come. The kids have changed our world and we're all the better for it! Here you are able to see some amazing BEFORE and AFTER pictures of the kids.
Monday, April 23, 2007
A Year Ago, Part 5
Lira's bottom two teeth were loose when we took them from the orphanage. She yanked them out herself a few days later! One year Lira was in the dentist's office getting a tooth extracted that had developed an absess (sp?) and was causing her pain. She fell asleep after they gave her the "laughing gas" and she pulled through like a champ! I was so much more nervous than she was!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
A Year Ago, Part 4
April 13, 2006- The woman from the orphanage who was supposed to come to court with us had left for Kiev. We needed someone from the orphanage at the hearing. Our facilitator, after stressfully scrambling, found a man to take to court with us. Ken and I jokingly called him "the janitor" because that's what he looked like. We made it to court, had the hearing, and officially became parents. It was Ken's birthday- what a day to become an official father! We didn't really celebrate or get to excited when we first heard the ruling from the judge- at least for me, I almost didn't believe it- I was waiting for something else to go wrong.
Now, April 13, 2007- Lira and Timmy are gorgeous, happy, healthy, adjusted, loving, smart, speaking 100% english. We're a family. Playing soccer and driving a mini-van. Ken had a nice birthday with adorable gifts from his children for the 1st time.
Oh, and as for the money that we paid the agency last year that our facilitator said he hadn't received- supposedly our agency had mistakenly wired it to Latvia.
Want to see before/after pics of the kids? Take a look at the previous post, "A Year Ago, Part 3"
Sunday, April 01, 2007
A Year Ago, Part 3

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
A Year Ago Today, Part 2
Photos are of memories from a year ago yesterday and today. There are two from the cathedral, one of the flight info during our layover in Germany, one of the address of our apartment in Kiev that we rented, and one of Ken and I on the tram in Kiev.

Thursday, March 22, 2007
1 Year Ago, Part 1
Here are some pics taken about 1 year ago. There's a couple of our bed covered with things to bring with us to Ukraine. And other pictures are from exactly 1 year ago; my last day at work for that academic year. I became very close with my co-teachers, students and their parents and they all threw me a party/ shower. It was SOOOO sweet.

Sunday, February 25, 2007
To Search or Not To Search...
Monday, February 19, 2007
Friends from Ukraine

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Timmy's Birthday... "I'm Rich!"

When I was putting Timmy to bed on the night of his birthday, he laid in his (new "big boy")bed, crossed his legs, and put his arms behind his head. With a huge smile he said, "Mom... I rich! I have a new big bed, I have lots of new toys, I'M RICH!" And there you have it. I had a good giggle out of that. I told him he was rich with love from his family and he said, "Yep, and I'll love you forever, mom!" After he said that, I felt rich. That's what keeps me going these days- the love from the kids no matter how frustrating a day it might have been.
Timmy's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese was great. Nana and Poppy drove down from PA for the party and Timmy had 8 of his friends, not to mention the adults that came (despite it being at Chuck E. Cheese!) It's a new Chuck E. restaurant that just opened within the past year, so it was much bigger than the other few I've been in, and a bit cleaner...Phew! Although I thought the party would be too overstimulating for Lira and Tim, they both did great. Tim just gets a bit quiet and tries to take it all in. Lira didn't seem to be affected by any of it. So, there you have it... yet another sign they're adjusting! While the waitress was lighting Timmy's bday cake, he said to me that he wished it was his birthday EVERY day! (Meanwhile I'm wishing my birthday only came every-other year so remaining at the age of 30 wouldn't be so much of a lie! LOL)
Monday, January 22, 2007
Lira's Birthday

Lira's Princess Tea Party was a huge success! There were a total of 12 kids, including Lira and Timmy. About 1/2 of them were dressed in Princess dresses, the rest were in nice dressy clothes. When everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to Lira, the look on her face was priceless and I couldn't help but get teary-eyed! Knowing this was the first birthday party she's ever had- it breaks my heart but at the same time makes me happy that we're able to provide one for her.
During the party there was an "etiquette" lesson by the woman we hired to do the tea party and believe it or not, the 11 girls (ages 4-7) were SO well behaved! They listened and were really into the whole thing! Timmy was the only boy and although he didn't want to join in at first, he did after a little coaxing and did really well! It didn't get crazy until Lira opened her gifts; then it was a mob-scene! I couldn't even tell you what she received from whom until after the girls left. Luckily, my girlfriend was standing behind Lira and wrote down a list for me! Now I'm planning Timmy's birthday party. We're doing it at Chuck E. Cheese and although the place is SO loud and a bit overstimulating, I've gotta say that I'm thankful that it won't be at the house! What a clean-up we had to do after Lira's party! LOL
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Martin Luther King
Timmy's take on it: Marshin Loofer King was a very nice man! He even let us stay home from school!
Lira's take: One night ML had this dream, and when he woke up he wanted new friends at school.
In other news, we're planning Lira's birthday party. We are having a Princess Tea Party and invited several girls we've introduced Lira to (our friends' daughters) as well as all the girls in Lira's class. (They have an "all or nothing" policy.) Out of the 10 or so girls in her class that were invited, only 4 of their mothers RSVP'd! Is this how things are with childrens' parties? I am having a woman come to the house to "host" the tea party and she needed a head-count so she brings enough supplies, including cupcakes, etc. I gave her the number on Saturday, including one extra "just in case." I'm glad I did because one of the mothers called Sunday apologizing for not calling sooner. (We asked for people to RSVP by Wed. of this past week.) So what do I do if other mothers call this week?? I already gave a head count!
Timmy's birthday is right around the corner from Lira's. They are 12 months and 2 weeks apart in age. So, we're not even finished with Lira's and I'm trying to get Timmy's together. Timmy agreed to having his party at Chuck E. Cheese, which will be a load off my plate! This week is crazy-busy, so as soon as I get a chance to breathe, I'll have to run to the store to getting invitations.
Thanks for checking our blog!