Sunday, December 24, 2006

Four Days of Christmas

Lira and Timmy are going to go out of their mind with Christmas this year! Yesterday our friends Nick and Melanie took them out for their special Christmas gift after we were finished making Christmas cookies for our friends in the neighborhood. Melanie and Nick took L &T to dinner then surprised the kids by taking them to Build a Bear! This was such a fun surprise for them! Lira made a "Hello Kitty" doll dressed in matching pajamas, and Timmy made a monkey dressed in a fireman's uniform- what a great choice since he's our little "monkey"! Lira and Timmy were so excited when they got home- so just imagine what the next few days will be like. L & T repeated how much they loved their new stuffed animals and love to tell the story of how they're made. Timmy was sitting with me telling me, "I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!" and rubbed his eyes- he had tears in his eyes and said, "Mommy, I have happy tears!" Of course, I just lost it and started crying (those who know me aren't surprised), and we gave each other such big hugs. (I'm tearing up as I type this now!) Just wait until tomorrow morning when the kids see what Santa brings them- I'll be crying the entire time!

So why title this, "Four Days of Christmas"? Because Ken's "1/2 Jewish" and I'm Catholic! No, just kidding. L & T will have 4 days of gift-giving (mostly receiving on their part) and their heads are going to explode by the last day! I'll keep you all updated. And of course, pictures will come soon!

1 comment:

Calico Sky said...

Now you have me crying too! What a lovely memory.
Enjoy your 4 days. I said a little prayer for L and T at Church today, that they continue to grow and flourish with your love and adjust smoothly to their home.
I even mentioned them on my blog!
Happy Happy Christmas!!!