Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Martin Luther King

Lira and Timmy are learning about American History, such as Martin Luther King.
Timmy's take on it: Marshin Loofer King was a very nice man! He even let us stay home from school!
Lira's take: One night ML had this dream, and when he woke up he wanted new friends at school.

In other news, we're planning Lira's birthday party. We are having a Princess Tea Party and invited several girls we've introduced Lira to (our friends' daughters) as well as all the girls in Lira's class. (They have an "all or nothing" policy.) Out of the 10 or so girls in her class that were invited, only 4 of their mothers RSVP'd! Is this how things are with childrens' parties? I am having a woman come to the house to "host" the tea party and she needed a head-count so she brings enough supplies, including cupcakes, etc. I gave her the number on Saturday, including one extra "just in case." I'm glad I did because one of the mothers called Sunday apologizing for not calling sooner. (We asked for people to RSVP by Wed. of this past week.) So what do I do if other mothers call this week?? I already gave a head count!

Timmy's birthday is right around the corner from Lira's. They are 12 months and 2 weeks apart in age. So, we're not even finished with Lira's and I'm trying to get Timmy's together. Timmy agreed to having his party at Chuck E. Cheese, which will be a load off my plate! This week is crazy-busy, so as soon as I get a chance to breathe, I'll have to run to the store to getting invitations.

Thanks for checking our blog!

1 comment:

tom said...

You're brave. I think we're just going to have Daniel's godparents over for his birthday and that's it. All he wants is cake & ice cream anyway